How Does Submarine Fiber Optic Install Work?

Submarine fiber optic networks are built on the shore, and the cables are delivered to your offshore platform via submarines that can lay the cables on the bottom of the ocean. This is a very safe way for you to maintain communications with your offshore team, and you can create a network that is so fast you will feel like you are using a standard internet connection back home. Continue reading to learn how to create one of these networks and bring out the submarines to handle the installation. What Does The Submarine Engineering Team Do? The Submarine Fiber Optic Cable Installation team must build your cables first. The team will create cables that allow you to connect your offshore rig with an office that is back home. The subsea cables could be hundreds of miles long, and they are built to go the exact distance that you need. Because the cable system is so complex, the cables are built with hundreds of wires that will handle power, voice, data, and the Internet. You ca...