Getting the Knack of Deep Water Monitoring Systems – What to Measure and What to Instruct Your Team
The minutiae of undersea fiber communications systems may seem large, abstract and rather unnecessary to your daily life. Yes, marine engineering is difficult to wrap one’s head around, and if you are not directly on a team involved in deep-sea diving, research or subsea installation, you may not need to know all of the ins and outs of how undersea cables and ultra short baseline trackers work. However, if you are in the telecommunications, oil, renewable energy, professional diving or even marine science-fiction industries, you should definitely have a basic understanding of what deep water monitoring systems look at in their daily processes. For the sake of all of you who know little to nothing about undersea fiber cables and subsea ocean environments, here is a little briefing on the types of things oceanographers and researchers monitor when they embark on a subsea installation project. Undersea Fiber Communications Systems: A Quick Overview The cables that r...