What Is The Purpose Of Fiber Optic Cable Maintenance?
When you have invested in a massive fiber optic cable network, you must have those cables maintained. You trusted a company to lay cables over hundreds of miles of the ocean floor, but these cables still need service. Service packages should be included with the installation that you receive, and you must send a message to your installer any time you have questions about that signal. You might notice the signal is slowing down, or you might be losing information in transit. Take a look at what the service package can do for you after your cables have been installed.
What Does Fiber Optic Cable Maintenance Entail?
The Fiber Optic Cable Maintenance that you have requested will send a boat back on the water with an ROV to check the parts of the cable system that are not functioning properly. Your installer has gone to great lengths to ensure that they can check different parts of your system for performance, but they need to send a submarine or ROV down to the bottom to ensure that the service is done properly. You will get a report from the engineer, and you can test the system once again.

What Does The Engineer Do?
You will work with a Subsea Installation Engineer who helped to create your network and maintain your signal. This person is your main point of contact when you are working with the service team, and you can have a talk with the engineer about how the network is functioning. The two of you can work to pinpoint problems with the system that you cannot diagnose on your own, and you can ask the engineer how they can upgrade or repair the system. There are times when you need to make a fundamental change to the system, and there are other times when you should simply have the repair done.
How Long Does Service Take?
The installer needs to get a boat and an ROV out to the cable network site to check the lines. You must give your installer time to mobilize their team and send someone to check. The service team will send an ROV down to the bottom of the sea to check the cables with a camera, and they can even use robotic arms to handle repairs to the system. If you have never done service or repairs, you must be patient with the service team. They work as fast as they can to make the network function as it should.
Test the System
The system must be tested when you request a service. The service for your system can be handled fairly easily so long as you test the system on the backend to ensure that it is working properly. You can stay in touch with the engineer while the service is completed, and you can test the system given their parameters. This is a very simple thing to do, and you will save quite a lot of time because you can tell the engineer if heir services or repairs are working. In the end, the service team will stay out there to either repair or service the line until it functions properly.
A Final Thought
You must be patient when your fiber optic cable network is being serviced or repaired. You also have a responsibility to repair any problems you have with the system at once. You need to let the subsea installation engineer know what the problem is, how long it has been going on, and where you have noticed the issue. Sharing information helps both of you come to a conclusion that will see your network restored to full power.
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